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SKIN DEEP is well-crafted, well-executed comedy." - Lake Theatre (NY), Lake George Mirror, Anthony Hall. SKIN DEEP had its audience quaking with laughter, which is not something you or I could make happen. Oh, who was she kidding Emma knew that going to the tattoo shop with he. "Compared with comedy, dying is easy, the old adage goes. Read 723 reviews from the worlds largest community for readers. Lonoff has written a wonderfully quirky and hilarious modern love story in an exceptionally witty and unexpected style." The Old Opera House Theatre Company (WV) DC Metro Theater Arts (Johnna Leary) proves that love comes in all shapes and sizes. However, in the midst of feeling sorry for their emotional plights, you'll find yourself helplessly laughing out loud." Redwood Curtain Theatre (CA) TriCity Weekly (Beti Webb Trauth) In Skin Deep, a large, lovable, lonely-heart, named Maureen Mulligan, gives romance one last shot on a blind-date with sweet awkward Joseph Spinelli she's learned to pepper her speech with jokes to hide insecurities about her weight and appearance, while he's almost dangerously forthright, saying everything that comes to his mind. LOCATION SHOP INFO MOST RECENT BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TODAY FOR TATTOOS EMAIL: SKINDEEPAPPTGMAIL. Although playwright Jon Lonoff's brilliant, bittersweet script is unapologetically sentimental, it's also unfailingly astute - never backing off from being painfully honest when it comes to just how much insecurity about one's physical appearance impacts life. His believable, poignant, imperfect characters and their individual attitudes about themselves always ring true and hit you right in the heart. Skin Deep Tattoos & Piercing is a family-owned and operated studio and we specialize in all aspects of tattooing and piercing since 1979. "SKIN DEEP is poignant, hilarious, a must-see. At Skin deep, beauty along side wellbeing is my priority.

6 visitors have checked in at skin deep tattoo lb. The dialogue is crackling and hilarious the plot simple but well-turned the characters endearing and quirky and lurking beneath the merriment is so much heartache that you'll stand up and cheer when the unlikely couple makes it to the inevitable final clinch." - Skin deep tattoo long beach.766 svianja 732 je bilo ovdje.skin deep long beach for all your custom tattoo and piercing needs Skin deep is a tattoo and piercing shop on long island. "It's a little Paddy Chayefsky, a lot Neil Simon and a quick-witted, intelligent voyage into the not-so-tranquil seas of middle-aged love and dating.